Contact: +421 902 760 686
Dobšinského 32, Bratislava, View on map
Rýchla rezervácia a kvalitné služby

Fast reservation and quality service

Dvojlôžkové izby s manželskou posteľou alebo oddelené

Double rooms with double bed or separated

Raňajky a kávička v našom salóniku

Terasa s príjemným posedením

Vybavenie každej izby na vysokej úrovni

LCD, internet connection, secure parking...

Raňajky a kávička v našom salóniku

Breakfast and coffee in our lounge

Room reservation

Facilities rooms

Location and centrum

Welcome to the pension DONET

Welcome to the pension DONET

Pension DONET offers their guests doublerooms in nice , historic centrum of Bratislava.

Surrounding and center

Pension DONET is located in old centrum of Bratislava near of railway and bus station, with options of seeing historic buildings , luxury stores or night clubs and bars.